"This section provides data and information related to companies for Bruce County, ON companies

Most Popular
Business Size

1-4 Employees

Least Popular
Business Size

500-999 Employees

Business Sizes

Pie chart with 9 slices.
The industry that dominates Bruce County, ON is 1 to 4 employees comprising of 1,087 businesses or 57.51% of the community's business establishments. Coming second is the 5 to 9 employees industry that makes up 20.95% of the business community. The third largest is the 10 to 19 employees industry, which includes 224 businesses.
Chart graphic.
End of interactive chart

The industry that dominates Bruce County, ON is 1 to 4 employees comprising of 1,087 businesses or 57.51% of the community's business establishments. Coming second is the 5 to 9 employees industry that makes up 20.95% of the business community. The third largest is the 10 to 19 employees industry, which includes 224 businesses.

The business sizes chart shows the distribution of businesses according to the number of employees they employ. Definitions of what fall under a small, medium, or large business varies per country. However, in North America, small businesses are generally referred to have fewer than 100 employees, medium-sized businesses employing anywhere from 100 to 500 employees. Anywhere above 500 employees falls under large enterprises. The chart helps understand the profile of businesses in community. Having a huge portion of businesses with a small workforce generally means that the municipality is more or less diversified, and that small and medium-sized enterprises have a huge influence on the municipality’s economy.