Number of

Number of
Home Owners

Most Popular
Dwelling Size

Least Popular
Dwelling Size
Dwellings by Bedroom
Bar chart with 4 bars.
39.11%, which is majority of homes in Southgrow, AB, have 4 or more bedrooms. Homes with three bedrooms are also very popular, with 15,325 homes built with this number of bedrooms. The third largest category of homes according to number of bedrooms are two bedrooms representing 22.08 per cent of dwellings.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories. Range: 4 categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values. Range: 0 to 50000.
Chart graphic.
End of interactive chart
39.11%, which is majority of homes in Southgrow, AB, have 4 or more bedrooms. Homes with three bedrooms are also very popular, with 15,325 homes built with this number of bedrooms. The third largest category of homes according to number of bedrooms are two bedrooms representing 22.08 per cent of dwellings.
Dwellings by number of bedrooms chart illustrates the most popular types of homes based of bedroom count.
Statistics Canada. Census.
Last Updated: September 2022
Home Ownership
Pie chart with 2 slices.
73.06% of people in Southgrow, AB are home owners while the remaining are renters.
Chart graphic.
End of interactive chart
73.06% of people in Southgrow, AB are home owners while the remaining are renters.
Home ownerships chart tells how much larger or smaller are home owners relative to home renters in a municipality.
Statistics Canada. Census.
Last Updated: September 2022