"This section provides data and information related to summary for Black Point, SK summary

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View the Demographics tab for information such as Age, Gender and more. Data is populated from census, provincial and municipal sources, along with third-party projections.

Total Population


Median Household Income


Total Visible Minorities


Median Age



The largest population of Black Point, SK is the age group between 0 and 4 years old, and the least populated age group is 85+ years old. 55.56% of the population are in the working age group between 15 to 64 years old, while 40.0% make up the younger population which will be a part of labour force in less than 2 decades.


Overall, there is no significant difference between the numbers of men and women. The 0 to 4 years old age cohort exhibits the largest discrepancy with a difference of 0 people between the sexes. Furthermore, majority of the population is between the ages 0 to 4 years old, comprising nan per cent of the population.

Marital Status

Majority of the population are single, making up 42.86 per cent of the population. With a predominantly single population, it can either mean that more households will either have a single occupant or there will more households with multiple residential tenants in it. Furthermore, expect higher discretionary spending in the community as they spend more compared to their married counterparts. Having more people who are not married also mean more people to meet in the community given the higher availability of personal time.

Aboriginal Identification

The largest aboriginal population are that of the Metis, making up 62.5 per cent of the total aboriginal population. At 15 people, the second largest Aboriginal population is the First Nations.

Labour Force

View the Labour Force tab for information such as Labour Force Industry, Labour Force Occupation and more. Data is populated from census, provincial and municipal sources, along with third-party projections.

Total Labour








Labour Force Industry

The industry that hires the most from Black Point, SK's workforce is Educational Services hiring 10 people or 100.0% of the community's workforce. This sector comprises establishments primarily engaged in: providing instruction and training in a wide variety of subjects. This instruction and training is provided by specialized establishments, such as schools, colleges, universities and training centres. These establishments may be privately owned and operated, either for profit or not, or they may be publicly owned and operated. They may also offer food and accommodation services to their students.

Labour Force Occupation

Most of Black Point, SK's workforce is working in Education, law and social, community and government services with 10 people or 50.0% of the community's workforce. Occupations in this category are concerned with law, teaching, counselling, conducting social science research, developing government policy, and administering government and other programs. Occupations providing religious services and leadership are included in this category. These occupations usually require completion of a related post-secondary program. Individuals who work as paralegals, social service workers or educators and instructors who are not part of the elementary, secondary or post-secondary school system are usually required to complete additional formal education to progress to professional occupations. The second largest is those in Sales and service, comprising 50.0% of locals.


View the Taxation tab for information such as and more. Data is populated from census, provincial and municipal sources, along with third-party projections.

Federal General
Corporate Tax


Federal Small
Business Corporate


Quality of Life

View the Quality of Life tab for information such as and more. Data is populated from census, provincial and municipal sources, along with third-party projections.

Real Estate

View the Real Estate tab for information such as Home Ownership and more. Data is populated from census, provincial and municipal sources, along with third-party projections.

Number of


Number of
Home Owners


Most Popular
Dwelling Size

1 Bedroom or Less

Least Popular
Dwelling Size

1 Bedroom or Less

Home Ownership

100.0% of people in Black Point, SK are home owners


View the Transportation tab for information such as Transportation Mode and more. Data is populated from census, provincial and municipal sources, along with third-party projections.

Most Used


Busiest Time
On Roads


Residents Who
Work Locally


Vehicle Drivers


Transportation Mode

Majority of commuters, around 10 respondents in Black Point, SK, are using other means of transportation to go to work.


View the Education tab for information such as Education, Field Of Study and more. Data is populated from census, provincial and municipal sources, along with third-party projections.

Dominant Level
of Education

No Certificate

Most Popular
Field of Study


Most Popular
Educational Destination


Least Popular
Field of Study



Most people in Black Point, SK have have not completed any certificate. With 25 people, it is what most people in Black Point, SK completed. Coming in second, 28.57% of inhabitants say they have completed college education.

Field Of Study

Most are in Education with 10 people practicing it in Black Point, SK. STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) is expected to be a growing industry, however, Department of Finance confirms that Canada is lagging behind other Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries in terms of STEM graduates. Black Point, SK has 0 people or 0.0% of workers in STEM industries.


View the Utilities tab for information such as and more. Data is populated from census, provincial and municipal sources, along with third-party projections.


View the Companies tab for information such as and more. Data is populated from census, provincial and municipal sources, along with third-party projections.

Largest Industry
by Business Count


Smallest Industry
by Business Count


Most Popular
Business Size


Least Popular
Business Size