"This section provides data and information related to transportation for Wiarton, ON transportation

Most Used

Vehicle Driver

Vehicle Drivers


Modes of Transportation

Bar chart with 4 bars.
Majority of commuters, around 550 respondents in Wiarton, ON, are carpooling in a private car, truck, or van to go to work. Moreover, 11.72% of respondents say that they prefer walking. The third most popular means of transportation is driving alone in a private car, truck, or van with 80 commuters preferring it.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories. Range: 4 categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values. Range: 0 to 600.
Chart graphic.
End of interactive chart

Majority of commuters, around 550 respondents in Wiarton, ON, are carpooling in a private car, truck, or van to go to work. Moreover, 11.72% of respondents say that they prefer walking. The third most popular means of transportation is driving alone in a private car, truck, or van with 80 commuters preferring it.

The modes of transportation chart illustrates residents' most popular choices when it comes to getting around the area.

Statistics Canada. Census. Last Updated: April 2017