"This section provides data and information related to education for Saugeen Shores, ON education

Most Popular
Field of Study


Most Popular
Educational Destination


Least Popular
Field of Study

Visual Arts


Pie chart with 6 slices.
Chart graphic.
End of interactive chart

Educational attainment refers to the highest degree of education an individual has completed, and this chart shows the number of residents for each level of education.

Statistics Canada. Census. Last Updated: December 2022

Major Field of Study

Pie chart with 12 slices.
Chart graphic.
End of interactive chart

The major field of study chart shows the predominant disciplines or areas of learning or training of a person's highest completed postsecondary certificate, diploma or degree classified by Statistics Canada.

Statistics Canada. Census. Last Updated: December 2022

Location of Study

Pie chart with 8 slices.
Chart graphic.
End of interactive chart

The location of studies chart shows the countries where residents received their schooling. It reflects the variety of educational background of a municipality's population.

Statistics Canada. Census. Last Updated: December 2022