"This section provides data and information related to summary for Holiday , OH summary

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View the Demographics tab for information such as Median Age, Median Household Income and more. Data is populated from census, state and municipal sources, along with third-party projections.

Total Population


Median Household Income


Total Visible Minorities


Median Age


What is the Median Age of Holiday , OH?

Holiday , OH has a median age of 46 years old. Overall, the median age in Holiday , OH is dwindling at an average of -1.62% per year.

Median Household Income

In Holiday , OH, the median household income is $48750 per year. Overall, it is growing at an average of 20.7% per year. There was neither an increase or a decrease in its median household income in the last two census.

Us Marital Status

Majority of the population are married, making up 20.83 per cent of the population. Having a predominantly married population is highy beneficial to Holiday , OH as married couples usually bring in larger incomes, higher net worth and gains on average. They also help boost the community's liveliness and labour force, as they are most likely to bear children and create the best economic conditions for them. Furthermore, this group also spends more compared to most of their counterparts and contributes a huge portion towards tax revenues.

Us Sex By Age

Overall, there is no significant difference between the numbers of men and women. people. The 80 to 84 years old age cohort exhibits the largest discrepancy with a difference of 6 people between the sexes. Furthermore, majority of the population is between the ages 45 to 49 years old, comprising 25.0 per cent of the population. Meanwhile, 52.78 per cent are part of its working-age population, or those between the ages 15 to 64 years old, while 22.22 per cent make up the younger population that will also be part of the labour force in two decades or less. At the present, 9 people are expected to retire in the coming years.

Labor Force

View the Labor Force tab for information such as and more. Data is populated from census, state and municipal sources, along with third-party projections.

Real Estate

View the Real Estate tab for information such as Median Gross Rent, Heating Sources and more. Data is populated from census, state and municipal sources, along with third-party projections.

Housing Occupied


Housing Vacant


No. of Families


No. of Non-Families


Median Gross Rent

Holiday , OH has an average rent of $775 per month. Overall, the average rent in Holiday , OH is growing at an average of 9.59% per year. In the last two census, its average rent grew by $100.

Heating Sources

Most people in Holiday , OH uses utility gas to heat up their homes. With 7 households using it, it is the leading heating source in Holiday , OH. Moreover, 33.33% of households say they use electricity making it the second most popular choice. The third widely used heating source is bottled, tank, or LP gas, with 5 households saying they use it as their primary heating source.


View the Transportation tab for information such as Car Ownership, Us Time Leaving For Work and more. Data is populated from census, state and municipal sources, along with third-party projections.

Most Used


Busiest Time
On Roads


Residents Who
Work Locally


Vehicle Drivers


Car Ownership

Most households in Holiday , OH have no vehicle for transportation. 7 people responding in Holiday , OH feel that having no vehicle is sufficient. Moreover, 44.44% of households say they use five or more vehicles. Moreover, 3 households have three vehicles

Us Time Leaving For Work

Majority of commuters in Holiday , OH leave their homes from 7:00am to 7:30am, saying that it's enough time to get to work. The second most popular time to head to work, with 15.38% of respondents, is from 10:00am to 11:00am. However, 2 of commuters still prefer to leave from 11:00am to 12:00pm.

Us Transportation Mode

Majority of commuters in Holiday , OH are driving alone in a private car, truck, or van to go to work. Moreover, 7.69% of respondents say that they prefer using other means of transportation. The third most popular means of transportation is carpooling in a private car, truck, or van with 0 commuters have preferring it. Meanwhile, there are 2 people who do not need to commute to get to work, as they work from home.


View the Education tab for information such as Us Field Of Study and more. Data is populated from census, state and municipal sources, along with third-party projections.

Dominant Level
of Education


Most Popular
Field of Study


Most Popular
Educational Destination


Least Popular
Field of Study


Us Field Of Study

Most are in Business with 4 people practicing it in Holiday , OH. Literature & Languages is another popular field of expertise, as 33.33% of inhabitants are involved in it. The third group are those who are in Computers, Mathematics & Statistics, with 0 people responding that it is their line of work. STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) is expected to be a growing industry, however, Pew Research Center confirms that there is still a huge need for labour in these industries. Holiday , OH has 0 people or 0.0% of workers in STEM industries.


View the Utilities tab for information such as and more. Data is populated from census, state and municipal sources, along with third-party projections.