"This section provides data and information related to summary for Portage la Prairie, MB summary

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View the Demographics tab for information such as Median Age, Age and more. Data is populated from census, provincial and municipal sources, along with third-party projections.

Total Population


Median Household Income


Total Visible Minorities


Median Age


What is the Median Age of Portage la Prairie, MB?

Portage la Prairie, MB has a median age of 38 years old.


The largest population of Portage la Prairie, MB is the age group between 0 and 4 years old, and the least populated age group is between 80 and 84 years old. 62.23% of the population are in the working age group between 15 to 64 years old, while 34.53% make up the younger population which will be a part of labour force in less than 2 decades.


Overall, women outnumber men by 570 people. The 15 to 19 years old age cohort exhibits the largest discrepancy with a difference of 80 people between the sexes. Furthermore, majority of the population is between the ages 55 to 59 years old, comprising 7.4 per cent of the population.

Aboriginal Identification

The largest aboriginal population are that of the First Nations, making up 53.22 per cent of the total aboriginal population. At 1,830 people, the second largest Aboriginal population is the Metis. persons with Registered or Treaty Indian status but are not First Nations, Métis or Inuit follows with 0.38% of the total Aboriginal population in Portage la Prairie, MB.

Median Household Income

In Portage la Prairie, MB, the median household income is $77,852 per year. The median household income in Portage la Prairie, MB is greater than the national household median income in 2015.

Labour Force

View the Labour Force tab for information such as Unemployment Rate, Participation Rate and more. Data is populated from census, provincial and municipal sources, along with third-party projections.

Total Labour








Unemployment Rate

Overall, the unemployment rate in Portage la Prairie, MB is growing at a rate of 0.05% per year over the past 15 years from 2001 to 2016.

Participation Rate

Overall, the participation rate in Portage la Prairie, MB is declining at a rate of 0.08% per year over the past 15 years from 2001 to 2016. In the last two census, its participation rates grew by 1.2%, an average growth rate of 0.24% per year from 2011 to 2016. An increase in participation rate means that higher proportions of people residing in Portage la Prairie, MB are involved in the labour force and contributing to the community's economy.

Employment Rate

Overall, the employment rate in Portage la Prairie, MB is declining at a rate of 0.11% per year over the past 15 years from 2001 to 2016. In the last two census, its employment rates grew by 1.2%, an average growth rate of 0.24% per year from 2011 to 2016. A growing employment rate reflects positive economic conditions in the community, , and implies that people looking for a job are getting matched to an employer.


View the Taxation tab for information such as and more. Data is populated from census, provincial and municipal sources, along with third-party projections.

Federal General
Corporate Tax


Federal Small
Business Corporate


Quality of Life

View the Quality of Life tab for information such as Average Rainfall and more. Data is populated from census, provincial and municipal sources, along with third-party projections.

Average Yearly


Average Yearly


Highest Temperature


Lowest Temperature


Average Rainfall

Umbrellas and raincoats are most handy in the month of June when it rains an average of 86 mm. This is 21.38% of the annual rain experienced in Portage la Prairie, MB. The month of July is also rainy with an average rainfall of 76.6 mm. Following July is August, when 59.8 mm is the average rainfall.

Real Estate

View the Real Estate tab for information such as and more. Data is populated from census, provincial and municipal sources, along with third-party projections.

Number of


Number of
Home Owners


Most Popular
Dwelling Size

3 Bedrooms

Least Popular
Dwelling Size

1 Bedroom or Less


View the Transportation tab for information such as and more. Data is populated from census, provincial and municipal sources, along with third-party projections.

Most Used

Vehicle Driver

Busiest Time
On Roads

7:00AM - 7:59AM

Residents Who
Work Locally


Vehicle Drivers



View the Education tab for information such as and more. Data is populated from census, provincial and municipal sources, along with third-party projections.

Dominant Level
of Education

High School

Most Popular
Field of Study


Most Popular
Educational Destination


Least Popular
Field of Study



View the Utilities tab for information such as and more. Data is populated from census, provincial and municipal sources, along with third-party projections.


View the Companies tab for information such as Business Size and more. Data is populated from census, provincial and municipal sources, along with third-party projections.

Largest Industry
by Business Count


Smallest Industry
by Business Count


Most Popular
Business Size

1-4 Employees

Least Popular
Business Size

200-499 Employees

Business Size

The industry that dominates Portage la Prairie, MB is 1 to 4 employees comprising of 67 businesses or 53.6% of the community's business establishments. Coming second is the 5 to 9 employees industry that makes up 18.4% of the business community.The third largest is the 10 to 19 employees industry, which includes 19 businesses. Meanwhile, 12.0 per cent of businesses are considered to be small business, providing jobs to 1 to 99 employees. Then 4.8 per cent make up the medium-sized businesses that employs 100 to 499 people.