


Green Energy



Our Story

"The City of Merritt is a growing community that focuses on socially responsible and environmentally sustainable economic development."

Located at the intersection of the key major transportation routes in the province, the City of Merritt offers access to efficient transportation and distribution, to training facilities, to a youthful labour force, and to an urban lifestyle in a country setting. But Merritt is so much more.

If you are looking for a long-term sustainable environment to grow your business, look no further than the City of Merritt. Merritt has significant “baby boomer” and “baby bounce” populations. Of the 7,113 strong population, 30% is under 25. Merritt has a diverse business community. With such a mix of experience and youth, the labour force can meet the long-term sustainable growth of YOUR business. But Merritt is so much more."

Economic Development for the City of Merritt is based on the vision, mission, guiding principles of the Official Community Plan (OCP). The Integrated Growth Strategy (IGS) provides planning directives for managed growth and development for the overall economic development of the City of Merritt.

The Department is committed to capitalizing on our advantages to encourage economic growth to preserve our prosperity. We are here to support the routes (and roots) to growth by providing information and strategic advice to business and industry, and working with our partners to identify and pursue economic development opportunities.
